Stewart Hamilton is a Bad, Bad Man

Our Accounting professor led us to believe for the past several weeks that today’s Accounting exam would not require us to put together balance sheets or profit & loss statements for corporations with numerous, complex transactions, which we had to do in the Mod I Accounting exam. Consequently, no one studied balance sheets or profitContinue reading “Stewart Hamilton is a Bad, Bad Man”

Bring on the Exams!

This weekend was pleasant and relaxing. I took care of many chores, wrote some papers, and, most importantly, played some beach volleyball. On Saturday our play was cut short by a scary storm that rolled in out of nowhere: very low, very dark clouds, high winds, and lots of lightning. No problem, though; we ranContinue reading “Bring on the Exams!”

The Irrationalities of Negotiation

Today we conducted another acquisition simulation, for Finance this time. Our last simulation, for Strategy, was computerized and was built around realizing synergies between the two organizations and generating buy-in from stakeholders on both sides (and external). Today’s simulation was a negotiation between Nestle and Rowntree, a UK-based chocolatier. Our 12 study groups were dividedContinue reading “The Irrationalities of Negotiation”

Today Was Another Great Day!

Arturo correctly identified T2 as the “best movie ever” in Finance this morning. I can’t think of a better way to learn about real options. Strategy was very interesting this afternoon as well. We covered strategies for multi-business corporate entities: how many businesses can a conglomerate reasonably manage and which ones should it keep/grow/divest? TheseContinue reading “Today Was Another Great Day!”

Yay, Sports!

Blogger’s note: I no longer use the term “Redskins” but am leaving my prior references intact in the spirit of learning. Although I should really be studying for Finance, I must pause and say a few words about my favorite sports teams. Today I wore an old Washington Redskins t-shirt, which reminded me that IContinue reading “Yay, Sports!”


It’s a beautiful day here in Lausanne: sunny and 50 degrees F. Naturally we’re stuck indoors in Finance class all day! But things could be worse. Professor Arturo Bris has made engaging what is usually considered a dry subject. As we wade through CAPM, IRR, and NPV, Arturo’s simple, humorous presentation style renders key conceptsContinue reading “Finance”